
孙海悦, 郭瑞雪, 徐鉴, 田友文, 董梅, 董坤, 李亚东*
吉林农业大学园艺学院, 长春130118

通信作者:李亚东;E-mail: blueberryli@163.com

摘 要:

以84份越橘种质为材料, 从NCBI公共数据库下载22 402条越橘属(Vaccinium) EST序列, 通过CAP3组装软件将EST序列拼接成11 541条unigene序列, 其中2 076条unigene序列含有2 679个SSR位点。二核苷酸和三核苷酸重复是主要的SSR类型, 约占SSR总数的96.01%。利用Primer Premier 5.0软件设计81对引物, 其中55对引物在供试越橘种质中扩增出理想的PCR产物, 55对引物均有多态性。聚类分析结果显示, 在遗传相似系数为0.70时, 可以将供试越橘种质分成两大类。越橘EST-SSR标记可以用于种质鉴定与遗传多样性分析。

关键词:越橘; 分子标记; EST-SSR; 遗传多样性

收稿:2017-10-09   修定:2018-02-08


Development of EST-SSR molecular markers for Vaccinium and genetic diversity analysis

SUN Hai-Yue, GUO Rui-Xue, XU Jian, TIAN You-Wen, DONG Mei, DONG Kun, LI Ya-Dong*
College of Horticulture, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China

Corresponding author: LI Ya-Dong; E-mail: blueberryli@163.com


A total of 22 402 Vaccinium EST sequences were downloaded from NCBI for analyzing 84 Vaccinium germplasms, and were assembled into 11 541 unigenes by CAP3 software. Among these unigenes, 2 076 unigenes contained 2 679 SSR loci. Di-nucleotide and tri-nucleotide repeats are major SSR type, accounting for 96.01% of the total SSRs. The 81 EST-SSR primers were designed by Primer Premier 5.0, of which 55 pairs of primers amplified expected PCR products and had polymorphic. Cluster analysis showed that 84 blueberry germplasms were grouped into two clusters at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.70. The EST-SSR markers can be used for germplasm identification and genetic analysis in Vaccinium.

Key words: Vaccinium; molecular markers; EST-SSR; genetic diversity

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